Meaning of the acronym DAB +
The English acronym «DAB» stands for Digital Audio Broadcasting; the first technical specifications for DAB were described in 1987 as part of the Eureka 147 project, which was completed in 1999.
DAB+ (currently used in digital broadcasting) is an evolution of DAB coding (ETSI TS 102 563 standard) that provides better quality audio coding using the MPEG-4 High Efficiency AAC v2 (AACplusv2) profile.
DAB+ makes it possible to broadcast radio transmissions with a significantly higher quality than analog Fm broadcasting; moreover, with DAB+ it is possible to broadcast data aggregated to the traditional audio signal.
DAB+ and FM broadcasts
DAB+ digital radio broadcasts coexist with traditional FM radio broadcasts. There are no plans to eliminate FM broadcasts in Spain.
Listen to DAB programs
To listen to programs broadcast in DAB+, it is necessary to be equipped with special receivers for digital radio, distributed in specialized points of sale and in the main consumer electronics chains.
With the 2018 Budget Law, in Italy, the obligation was introduced to sell only radio sets equipped with a digital tuner from 2020 and in Spain from December 21, 2020, all new class M vehicles – the conventional ones for transporting people and their luggage must have the digital terrestrial broadcasting receiver.
Basically, there are two types of receivers: those intended for listening at home (i.e. for the so-called «indoor» reception), and those intended for portable listening, and those intended for listening in the car («outdoor» reception). In the latter case, it is necessary to purchase car radios specifically designed for DAB+ reception or an adapter for an existing car radio.